Eastern Canada: 905-562-0142
Western Canada: 778-476-7755
We offer most our fining & stabilizing agents in 1kg/1L and 50lb/25kg package sizes

Coldstab Cel is a specific carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) solution for stabilization of wine by prevention of tartrate precipitation. Optimized for enological use, this 10% solution has a high stabilizing strength and does not impact the filterability of a wine when used according to manufacturer’s instructions. Ready to use. Highly concentrated to reduce dosing rate required. TTB limits addition of pure CMC to 0.8 lbs/1000 gallons (0.1g/L), so 8.34 lbs/1000 gallons (1g/L) of Coldstab Cel.

ClarPure is an allergen-free potato-protein- and chitin-glucan-based fining agent. It eliminates off-flavors and aromas caused by certain compounds such as mercaptans and volatile phenols related to Brettanomyces, smoke taint, and problem fermentations and can be used at any time during the winemaking process. Used before clarification, it eliminates the widest range of olfactory problems. Used after clarification or finishing, it improves aromatic complexity.

ClarNOF is a non-allergenic fining agent based on a blend of potato protein isolates that increases the elegance and aromatic intensity of wine. It can be used at any time during the winemaking process. Selectively removes aroma-masking colloids and balances the phenolic profile. Eliminates a wide range of unpleasant odors and faults from unfinished wine and reduces bitterness. Removes off-flavor or herbaceous notes from wine aged in wood barrels or with oak chips.

Highly effective fining agent formulated to selectively reduce the content of micro catechines in wine generally responsible to cover wine aromas. ClarMix is also effective on reducing Brettanomyces off aromas. ClarMix is the ideal tool in the hands of the winemaker to achieve a very accurate clarification result. Easy to dissolve and use. Effective replacement of potassium caseinate. Non allergenic.

The wine industry demands round & smooth wines that can be made available to the market quickly. Fermentis has developed SpringCell Manno, a 100% yeast polysaccharides product (glucans & soluble mannoproteins) that represent the noblest part of the lees.

LGA-20 is a colloidal solution derived from the solubilization of the Gum Arabic of the most selected varieties of the Acacia tree. The product is hydrolyzed and sterile filtered (0.45 micron membrane filtered) through an exclusive process insuring that it will not plug bottling line membranes. With an electropositive charge, LGA-20 can be used as a colloidal protector which will prevent haze formation due to instabilities while stabilizing color.

Designed to remove the tannins normally attributed to astringency without reaction with the anthocyanins responsible for color. In red and white wines results are a softer wine less susceptible to oxidation. Improves the taste of wines by stabilizing and enhancing tannins. A ready to use ultra pure liquid gelatin. Provides body and suppleness to the wines by removing the aggressive and astringent tannins.

30% silicon dioxide solution designed for beer clarification. It increases the efficiency of protein fining agents while preventing over-fining. The negative charge combines with the positive charge of the protein fining agent, creating a flocculating “net” which forces solids to the bottom of the tank. Should be used in conjunction with a protein fining agent.

Citric Acid can be used for acidification in wines that are naturally lacking in acid. Wines that are too low in acid are flat tasting. Citric acid adds liveliness to the wine and helps to bring out a fresher, fruity citrus note on the palate. ATP carries both domestic and imported Citric. It should always be added to finished wines and never to unfermented grape juice because it can be converted into acetic acid by the action of yeast, resulting in a wine with excess volatile acidity.

Inhibits reactions associated with oxidation/microbial spoilage. Also increases color intensity and hue, improves flavor profile, and enhances aging potential of wine. ATPGroup is a world leader in providing the highest-quality Tartaric Acid to the food and beverage industries. 100% derived from grapes. Unique to grapes, it is the main acid found in most finished wines. Reduces the pH and increases titratable acidity. Low pH conditions – increases the sulfur dioxide effectiveness.

Also known as L-Ascorbic Acid or Vitamin C. Ascorbic acid is a naturally occurring organic compound with antioxidant properties. Ascorbic acid is one form of vitamin C. It dissolves well in water to make a mildly acidic solution. In pharmaceutical ascorbic acid is used to create Vitamin C supplements.

Malic Acid is one of the two main acids found in grapes and is used to adjust acidity when the winemaker prefers its sensory contribution to a particular wine style. The decrease in pH will not be as great as with the use of Tartaric Acid.

Also known as potash or pearl ash. In the production of wine or Juice it is used for de-acidification. In addition using potassium carbonate has the least detrimental effect on the sensory characteristics of the wine.

Potassium Metabisulfite is used in must or wine to prevent oxidation and/or spoilage. It can be used both in a powder or liquid form to sprinkle over grapes prior to crushing. Its action in water inhibits harmful bacteria through the release of sulfur dioxide. It can also be used as an antiseptic agent to sanitize tanks, lines and pipes. Note: Its strength is about 17% greater than Sodium Metabisulfite and should be mixed accordingly.

ATPGroup is the only domestic producer of Cream of Tartar—white crystals or powder—derived from wine lees. Cream of Tartar is used to aid in cold stabilization by dosing with high rates of KHT crystals to force precipitation. Other names: Potassium Bitartrate; Potassium Acid Tartrate, KHT.

Bentonite KWK Krystal Klear is a fine granular sodium bentonite with an average dry particle size ranging between 20 and 70 mesh and has superior adsorption and clarifying characteristics for use in the clarification of wine, juice or cider. It attracts positively charged particles to help settle out proteins that can lead to cloudiness in the bottle. It can be rehydrated in hot of cold water and can be used at any stage in the production process.

Grape skin extract is an excellent choice for your red wine that needs a little help with color. This is a water-soluble natural food color extracted from Vinifera grape skins. It adds a great deal of color and we suggest using a bench test to find the amount required. Color is almost always stable. Product should be kept refrigerated.

Potassium Sorbate arrests fermentation and is used as an additive before bottling to prevent re-fermentation in the bottle. It does not kill yeast and therefore is not a fungicide, but prevents fermentation by interfering with the metabolism of the yeast. Its properties are dependent on the combined presence of sulfur dioxide, alcohol, and acidity. Other names: Potassium-2,4-hexadienoate.

Also known is activated charcoal, Activated Carbon is an amorphous form of carbon characterized by high adsoptivity for many gases, vapors and colloidal solids. Activated Carbon is used in the decolorizing of sugar, water purification, brewing and for the removal of off-aromas and off-flavors in wine making.

Polyclar VT is a coarser grade of PVPP (140 micron particle size), optimized for addition to vessels, where faster settling is required. The larger particle size also facilitates settling of the stabilizer, allowing the majority of the product to be left behind with the lees at racking. A typical contact time of between 3 to 10 days is required, although there are no adverse effects from leaving Polyclar in contact with the wine for longer periods. For wine use 0.5 to 2.5 grams per gallon.